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  • 英文儿歌Down by the bay视频mp4

    Down by the bay是一首舒缓优美、歌词易懂的英语儿歌,百听不厌。视频是mp4格式,画面清晰,可以在手机及pad播放。英语儿歌Down by the bay歌词 Down by the bay, Where the watermelons grow, Back to my home, I da...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌colors视频mp4

    一首好听的英语颜色儿歌,适合幼儿园小朋友,英文儿歌视频colors歌词: Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green stand up. Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green turn around, And stretch up high above your head. Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green sit down. Pink,...阅读全文

  • 儿童英语歌曲cobbler,cobbler视频

    英文儿歌cobbler,cobbler是一首关于修鞋的歌曲,欢快活泼,生活气息浓郁,能学到各鞋子相关的单词。英语儿歌cobbler,cobbler歌词: Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe, Get it done by half-past two, Stitch it up and sti...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语歌曲Can You Skateboard视频mp4

    幼儿英语歌曲Can You Skateboard是一首小朋友们你问我答的英语小儿歌,歌词简单有趣,易学易唱,可以用来给幼儿园的小朋友们练习。英文儿歌Can You Skateboard歌词: Can you skateboard,yes,I can. Can you...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌Brahms Lullaby摇篮曲mp4视频

    这是一首非常适合哄宝宝睡觉的摇篮曲儿歌,轻柔的曲调,温和的旋律,营造出一种 宁静而富于诗意的氛围,宝宝听着一定会甜甜地进入梦乡。 英语儿歌Brahms Lullaby歌词: Lullaby and good night,...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌Akien Drum视频mp4

    这是一首非常适合孩子们练习英语听力的英语儿歌,歌曲通过欢快的节奏,反复的唱词,能让孩子们印象深刻。儿歌是高清mp4格式,可在线观看,也可下载下来看。幼儿英语儿歌Akien Drum歌词...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌The Riddle Song视频

    这是一首摇篮曲,妈妈用温柔的声音唱歌哄宝宝睡觉。 幼儿英语歌曲The Riddle Song视频在线观看及下载,mp4格式,高清版,The Riddle Song歌词: I gave my love a cherry that had no stone, I gave my love a chicken...阅读全文

  • 儿童英语歌曲Tommy Thumb视频

    儿童英语歌曲Tommy Thumb视频,英语儿歌Tommy Thumbmp4视频,英文儿歌Tommy Thumb歌词: Tommy Thumb is up and Tommy Thumb is down, Tommy Thumb is dancing all around the town, Dancing on my shoulders, dancing on my head, Dancing on my...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌Tony Chestnut视频

    儿童英语歌曲Tony Chestnut视频,mp4英文儿歌Tony Chestnut在线看及下载。Tony Chestnut歌词: Tony Chestnut knows I love you, Tony knows, Tony knows. Tony Chestnut knows I love you, That's what Tony knows. Tony Chestnut knows I love...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌two little apples视频

    幼儿英语儿歌two little apples视频在线听及下载,two little apples英文儿歌视频,mp4格式,two little apples歌词: way up high in a tree, two little apples smailed at me. So I shook the tree as hard as I could, Down fell the a...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌walking,walking视频mp4

    幼儿英语儿歌walking,walking视频,mp4格式,可以在线看也可以下载。高清视频。英文儿歌Walking Walking歌词: Walking Walking,Walking walking, Hop hop hop,Hop hop hop, Running running running , Running running running , Now l...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌Wee Willie Winkie视频mp4

    英语儿歌Wee Willie Winkie( 小威力温奇) 视频在线看及下载,mp4格式,高清版,可放在手机及pad等上播放。幼儿英语歌曲Wee Willie Winkie歌词: Wee willie winkie, runs through the town, Upstairs and downstairs, in his...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌Open,Shut Them mp3

    儿歌Open,Shut Them mp3,Open,Shut Them 儿歌mp3在线收听及下载,儿歌Open,Shut Them 歌词:...阅读全文

  • 小学英语儿歌good morning视频

    good morning是小学英语课堂上老师同学互相问候早上好的英语儿歌,以歌唱的形式教学生学英语,加深记忆。英语儿歌视频good morning歌词:good morning,I am your teacher,good morning,you are my students.good...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌honey bees and bears视频

    英语儿歌honey bees and bears视频在线看及免费下载:儿童英语歌曲honey bees and bears歌词了:honey bee,honey bee,you are so sweet,always make something good to eat....阅读全文

  • 圣诞歌曲Santa Claus Is Coming To Town视频下载

    You better watch out你最好注意 You better not cry你最好别叫 You better not pout你最好别噘嘴 I'm telling you why我告诉你为什么 Santa Claus is coming to town圣诞老人进城来 Santa Claus is coming to town圣诞老人进城来...阅读全文

  • mp3英语儿歌hide and seek 捉迷藏

    一首非常好听的英语儿歌hide and seek 捉迷藏,可在线听,也可以下载哦。一起来听听这首欢快的儿歌吧,先学下hide and seek 歌词:a b c d e f g,ABCDEFG,you are hiding far from me,looking here looking there,i can...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌blooming flowers视频

    幼儿英语儿歌blooming flowers视频在线观看及免费下载,blooming flowers英文儿歌视频歌词:flowers are blooming,blooming in May,beautiful clolours like sun rays.flowers are blooming,blooming by the lake.blooming,blooming,bloomin...阅读全文

  • 圣诞歌曲Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

    圣诞歌曲Santa Claus Is Coming To Town歌词带翻译: You better watch out你最好注意 You better not cry你最好别叫 You better not pout你最好别噘嘴 I'm telling you why我告诉你为什么 Santa Claus is coming to town圣诞老人进...阅读全文

  • 幼儿英语儿歌little snowman

    幼儿英语儿歌little snowman,英文儿歌视频大全little snowman在线观看及下载,英语儿歌大全little snowman歌词:...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌视频ring those bells

    英文儿歌视频大全栏目提供ring those bells英语儿歌视频在线观看及下载,英文儿歌ring those bells歌词: Oh, ring those bells and turn around, Ring those bells and turn around, Ring those bells and turn around, Christmas time i...阅读全文

  • 英语儿歌视频can you swim

    英文儿歌视频大全栏目提供can you swim英语儿歌视频在线观看及下载,英文儿歌can you swim歌词:can you swim in the pool,yes i can;can you swim in the river,yes i can;can you swim in the sea can you drop like a frog.。。。 和...阅读全文