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  • The Finger Family英文儿歌mp3下载

    英语儿歌mp3下载栏目提供The Finger Family英文儿歌下载Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger.where are you? Here I am! Here I am! How do you do. Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger,where are you? Here I am! Here I am! How do you do. Brother Finger, Brother F...阅读全文

  • 牛欣欣天使在唱歌儿歌mp3下载

    牛欣欣天使在唱歌儿歌mp3下载,儿歌天使在唱歌mp3下载,儿歌天使在唱歌歌词:午后的阳光对我微笑,云朵的嘴角弯弯的翘, 大海的波涛懒洋洋跑,夏天的味道清馨美好, 儿时的木马轻轻的摇 ,粉红...阅读全文

  • 儿歌幸福拍手歌mp3下载

    儿歌幸福拍手歌mp3下载,幸福拍手歌儿歌歌词:如果感到幸福你就拍拍手, 如果感到幸福你就拍拍手, 如果感到幸福就快快拍拍手呀, 看哪大家一齐拍拍手. 如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚, 如果感到幸...阅读全文

  • 在动物园里儿歌mp3下载

    儿童歌曲mp3下载栏目提供在动物园里儿歌mp3下载,在动物园里儿歌歌词:狮子睁眼看我们, 真好玩真好玩, 猴子跳舞多起劲, 真好玩真好玩, 五色小鸟吹口哨, 真好玩真好玩, 动物园里动物多真好玩真...阅读全文

  • 长大后我就成了你儿歌mp3下载

    儿童歌曲mp3下载栏目提供长大后我就成了你儿歌mp3下载,长大后我就成了你儿歌歌词:小时候,我以为你很美丽, 领着一群小鸟飞来飞去; 小时候,我以为你很神气, 说上一句话也惊天动地。...阅读全文

  • 儿歌欢迎朋友四方来mp3下载

    儿歌欢迎朋友四方来mp3下载,欢迎朋友四方来儿歌mp3下载,儿歌欢迎朋友四方来歌词:歌如潮花如海, 欢迎朋友四方来, 亚非拉朋友手挽手, 友谊的花朵遍地开, 啊------啊------- 亚非拉朋友手挽手...阅读全文

  • 有个名字叫雷锋儿歌mp3下载


  • 儿歌亲亲小兔子mp3下载-何慧儿

    儿童歌曲mp3下载栏目提供亲亲小兔子儿歌mp3下载,亲亲小兔子儿歌歌词: 亲亲小兔子 演唱:何慧儿 作词:萧全 我也许什么道理都还不明白 妈妈说其实小兔子真的很可爱 感谢她把我带到这个美丽...阅读全文

  • 迎春花儿歌mp3下载

    儿童歌曲mp3下载栏目提供迎春花儿歌mp3下载,迎春花儿歌歌词: 小小黄色迎春花,开在大路旁, 迎春花你听见了吗?蜜蜂嗡嗡唱! 嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡。嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡。...阅读全文

  • 幼儿歌曲迎春花mp3

    幼儿歌曲迎春花歌词: 小小黄色迎春花,开在大路旁, 迎春花你听见了吗?蜜蜂嗡嗡唱! 嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡。嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡嗡。...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 60 It's noon

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 60 It's noon,阶梯儿童英语歌曲60 It's noon歌词: It's noon It's noon. It's noon. The sun is hot. It's noon. The sun is bright,a yellow light. It's noon. It's noon. Tonight,tonight,it won't be hot tonight. The sun...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 59 It's time for breakfast

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 59 It's time for breakfast,阶梯儿童英语歌曲59 It's time for breakfast歌词: It's time for breakfast It's time for breakfast! You'd better hurry!You'd better hurry or you'll be late!It's time for breakfast! You'd...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 58 Maybe

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 58 Maybe,阶梯儿童英语歌曲58 Maybe歌词: Maybe maybe i will go to the party on saturday maybe i will go to the zoo maybe i will go to the store on saturday maybe i will go with you maybe i will go on saturday mor...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 57 Days of the week

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 57 Days of the week,阶梯儿童英语歌曲57 Days of the week歌词: Days of the week Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday! Monday comes after Sunday. Monday comes before Tuesday. Monday,Tuesday,Wed...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 56 What time is it now

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 56 What time is it now,阶梯儿童英语歌曲56 What time is it now歌词: What time is it now Is it ten to nine? Is it ten after eight? You can tell time! So don't be late! Sixty minutes in an hour. Twenty-four hours...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 55 My monster story

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 55 My monster story,阶梯儿童英语歌曲55 My monster story歌词: My monster story Listen to my monster story about a very scary monster! His eyebrows are yellow! His face is green! He's very big! And he's very mean...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 54 You're late again

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 54 You're late again,阶梯儿童英语歌曲54 You're late again歌词: You're late again You late again. You late again. You got play today again. You go to bed at twelve o'clock. You get play every morning. You should...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 53 Don't cry

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 53 Don't cry,阶梯儿童英语歌曲53 Don't cry歌词: Don't cry Don't cry.Baby,don't cry, I'll be nearby.please ,don't cry. Baby,don't cry tonight. Smile.Baby,please smile. I'll stay here a while. I'll rock your cradl...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 52 Soon

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 52 Soon,阶梯儿童英语歌曲52 Soon歌词: Soon When will you come back home? Please don't come home late! When will you come back home! I'll be here! I'll wait! Soon!I'll be back soon! I'll come home soon! And I'll...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 51 In the zoo

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 51 In the zoo,阶梯儿童英语歌曲51 In the zoo歌词: In the zoo In the zoo,in the zoo,look at the animals in the zoo. There's a monkey in the zoo. What's the monkey eat? They eat bananas. I eat bananas. Monkey eat...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 50 on the beach today

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 50 on the beach today,阶梯儿童英语歌曲50 on the beach today歌词: on the beach today Who is playing the sand on the beach today? Who is wearing sunglasses on the beach today? Who is lying on the blanket on the b...阅读全文

  • 阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 49 Hungry and thirsty

    阶梯英语儿歌下载mp3 49 Hungry and thirsty,阶梯儿童英语歌曲49 Hungry and thirsty歌词: Hungry and thirsty I am hungry. I'd like something to eat. I am thirsty. I'd like something to drink. What's your favorite food? What's your favo...阅读全文