小鸭子儿童乐园 > 资源下载 > 儿歌童谣下载 > 童谣视频下载 >


【文件格式】:swf,mp4 【资源大小】:1.47 MB 【下载级别】:注册会员 【安全级别】:绿色安全 【需要金币】:5 免费金币】: 积分换金币


Hands, hands, what do they do?
My mom’s hands are chopping the food.
Chop, chop, chopping the food.
Hands, hands, what do they do?
My dad’s hands are washing dishes.
Wash, wash, washing dishes.
Hands, hands, what do they do?
My grandma’s hands are petting the cat.
Pet, pet, petting the cat.
Hands, hands, what do they do?
My grandpa’s hands are picking vegetables.
Pick, pick, picking vegetables.
Hands, hands, what do they do?
My neighbor’ hands are cutting the tree,
Cut, cut, cutting the tree.
Hands, hands, what do they do?
My friends’ hands are catching a ball,
Catch, catch, catching a ball.
Hands, hands, what do they do?
My sister’s hands are typing a letter.
Type, type, typing a letter.
Hands, hands, what do they do?
My teacher’s hands are writing on the board.
Write, write, writing on the board.
Hands, hands, what do they do?
My hands are clapping this music.
Clap, clap, clapping my hands.

