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Ring a ring of roses英语儿歌视频下载

【文件格式】:swf,mp4 【资源大小】:2.19 MB 【下载级别】:注册会员 【安全级别】:绿色安全 【需要金币】:8 免费金币】: 积分换金币

Ring a ring of roses英语儿歌视频下载,SWF FLASH和mp4两种格式,下载前请先试听。Ring a ring of roses歌词:Ring A Ring Of Roses, Ring a ring of roses, A pocket full of posies, Hat-sha Hat-sha all fall down. Ring a ring of roses A pocket full of posies Hot-sha Hat-sha all fall down. The king has sent his daughter to Fetch a pail of water Hot-sha Hat-sha all fall down. Robin on the steeple is singing to the people Hot-sha Hat-sha all fall down.
